ArthurYdalgo Ads

ArthurYdalgo Ads arthurydalgo/ads

Bombarding your users with ads.

Ads by Flagrow logo Flagrow, a project of Gravure

MIT license Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Donate Join our Discord server

Allows you to configure ads in several locations.

Warning this is a beta version, make sure you test your ads out on a non-production website before publishing!


Please note that I might decide to make this extension available only with a license in the future. Any version published under MIT license will however remain available. And if a license will be required, you will be informed in advance.


  • Allow configuration of ads on your forum at different locations.


composer require arthurydalgo/ads


composer update arthurydalgo/ads
php flarum cache:clear


Enable the extension under the extensions tab in the admin area.

Make sure you configure extension on the separate tab;

  • Your ads on different locations, leave empty for none.
  • If you use ads between posts, set the spacing.


  • Version 1.0.

    Unlikely to work with Flarum v1.8.10.

  • 10 additional versions.
  • Extension created.