GB Password Strength

GB Password Strength glowingblue/password-strength

Low-budget password strength estimation for your Flarum forum.

Password Strength Indicator for Flarum

MIT license Latest Stable Version Total Downloads

Low-budget password strength estimation for your forum.


Click to view settings screenshot

🦸 Features

  • Based on zxcvbn-ts.
  • Password strength is labeled as 'Weak', 'Could be stronger' and 'Strong'.
  • Customizable display modes.
  • Compatible with nearata/flarum-ext-signup-confirm-password.

📥 Installation

composer require glowingblue/password-strength:*

♻ Updating

composer update glowingblue/password-strength
php flarum cache:clear

🚫 Conflicts

  • glowingblue/password-strength doesn't work with therealsujitk/flarum-ext-show-password which can be removed, as glowingblue/password-strength adds a very similar functionality.

📖 Usage

Just enable the extension and customize if you wish.

📝 To-do

  • I have no idea about how to implement it inside the reset password blade but you're very welcome to guide me or open a pull request on GitHub.

🔗 Links


  • Version 4.0.0.

    Likely works with Flarum v1.8.10.

  • 14 additional versions.
  • Extension created.