
Money shebaoting/money

Adds a virtual currency system to the Flarum community, allowing users to earn and spend points.


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A Flarum extension. Adds a virtual currency system to the Flarum community, allowing users to earn and spend points.

This extension is modified from flarum-ext-money by AntoineFr. It's an excellent extension, and I want to express my gratitude to the original author. I have added some additional features that I needed and have published it here in the hope that you will enjoy it as well.


  1. All original features: The extension retains all the functionalities of the original version.

  2. Points Record: Added a feature to record all points transactions.

  3. Initial Points on Registration: New users receive a set amount of points upon registration.

  4. Negative Points Deduction: If points are set to negative, they will be deducted from the user's own account. If the account has insufficient points, the operation cannot be performed.

  5. Points Redistribution: When points are negative, and the user replies to a discussion, the deducted points will be awarded to the discussion starter.

  6. Like Reward System: When points are negative, points deducted from liking a post will be awarded to the person who received the like.


The design philosophy behind this system is a metaphor for time.

Everything you do here consumes your time. If a task is completed without receiving any meaningful response, it’s as if the task was done in vain. If a person continues to engage in meaningless activities, they are essentially wasting their time.

For a similar concept, I recommend watching the movie In Time.


You can also contact me if you wish to pay something to develop the flarum extension. Email: [email protected]


Install with composer:

composer require shebaoting/money:"*"


composer update shebaoting/money:"*"
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear



  • Version 0.4.0.

    Likely works with Flarum v1.8.5.

  • 3 additional versions.
  • Extension created.